February 2021 #NCTEchat: Creating LGBTQ+-Affirming Classrooms and Schools - National Council of Teachers of English
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February 2021 #NCTEchat: Creating LGBTQ+-Affirming Classrooms and Schools

Join us on Sunday, February 21, at 8:00 p.m. ET for an #NCTEchat about creating LGBTQ+-affirming classrooms and schools. The hosts will be Vanessa Perez and LaMar Timmons-Long, members of the NCTE Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Advisory Committee.

Vanessa Perez is the Educational Technology Specialist and Library Media Specialist coordinator for Lawton Public Schools (OK). She believes in investing in people. She can be reached at @vperezy on Twitter.

LaMar Timmons-Long, a member of the NCTE LGBTQ Advisory Committee, is an English teacher in New York City and an adjunct professor at Pace University’s School of Education. He is passionate about racial linguistics, antiracist education, social justice, and equity in schools concerning all students of color and LGBTQA+ youth. You can follow him on Twitter @teachltl

We will share the following questions during the Twitter chat:

WARM-UP: Please introduce yourself. Tell us your name, location, and the level you teach. #NCTEchat [8:04 p.m.]

Q1: As teachers, how do we honor, support, and teach Black LGBTQ+ voices during Black History Month, through the African American Read-In, and throughout the year? #NCTEchat [8:10 p.m.]

Q2: If you have a GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance/Genders and Sexualities Alliance) or other affinity group, how are they supporting each other right now? If you don’t, what would you need to start one? [8:18 p.m.]

Q3: How do you support students who may be experiencing homelessness or nonsupportive homes? [8:26 p.m.]

Q4: How can we support students to be their authentic selves? [8:34 p.m.]

Q5: This question is just for LGBTQ+ folx: How has your journey to self-acceptance and self-love been? How does it transform who you are as a teacher? [8:42 p.m.]

Q6: What are you doing in the classroom to ensure you’re always learning and able to support LGBTQ+ students? [8:50 p.m.]

We hope to see you there! Be sure to join us by using #NCTEchat.

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