National Council of Teachers of English

2011 NCTE Legislative Platform

The NCTE 2011 Legislative Platform calls upon policymakers to take bold action to fund the literacy policy innovations and research required to prepare students for full participation in an interdependent, global society.

We are collectively responsible for providing optimal conditions for literacy learning in our education system. In addition to the specific recommendations below, we call on elected leaders to address the pernicious influence of poverty on learning. We call on teachers, parents, administrators, and community members to provide appropriate wrap-around services for students and to engage in purposeful collaborations so that substantive progress for all students can be achieved. Indeed, we are all accountable for students’ access to well-rounded educational opportunities, birth through university.

To advance literacy learning, we must:

Use teaching teams as the basic unit for decision making at the local and district level. Working in teams allows educators to design and share goals and strategies, strengthens the foundation for informed decision making, and contributes to participation in more broadly based communities of practice. Teaching teams bring together teachers, administrators, and other educators to:

Provide for systematic professional development as an essential component of successful school reform. Teachers who have opportunities for quality professional development are best able to help students learn. Therefore, NCTE calls on policymakers to invest in state and local literacy plans that:

Define teacher effectiveness as professional practice that:

Support a comprehensive literacy policy as presently described in the Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation (LEARN) Act that:

Create a transition plan for accountability as we move away from ineffective policies that over-emphasize testing toward more effective practices that support student learning and school improvement. To support this transition, policymakers should:


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