Franki Sibberson Elected Vice President of NCTE - National Council of Teachers of English

Franki Sibberson Elected Vice President of NCTE

June 3, 2016


Sibberson Will Take Office during Annual Convention in Atlanta

NCTE is pleased to announce the election of Franki Sibberson to the position of Vice President.

“When I was a beginning teacher, NCTE helped to ground me in my beliefs,” Sibberson says. “The generosity of our members has continued to be critical to my work with children throughout my 29 years in education.  I’m honored to be joining NCTE’s elected leadership team as we move into a new era for the organization that has been my professional anchor. It is an important time for literacy education, and I appreciate the opportunity to continue to grow and learn with NCTE’s members as we hone our support and leadership in the current landscape.”

Sibberson is a third-grade teacher with the Dublin City Schools in Ohio, though her reach has extended far beyond those school walls. A published book author and writer of numerous journal articles and blog posts, she has contributed a great deal of thought and leadership to the content of our discipline. Sibberson has served NCTE in numerous positions, including Elementary Representative-at-Large, and chair and member of the Elementary Section Steering Committee. She currently serves on the NCTE Charlotte Huck Award Committee and on the NCTE Assessment Task Force. She is active in the Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts and has served on their executive board. Sibberson has presented at several conferences, including ones sponsored by NCTE, OCTELA, WLU, the Colorado Council International Reading Association, and the Michigan Reading Association.

“Franki’s literacy and teaching leadership ensures she will bring both a commitment to building our future as well as appreciation of NCTE’s legacy to this role. Her track record suggests she’ll also bring current and inspiring ideas to the table at a time when NCTE is committed to forward thinking,” said Executive Director Emily Kirkpatrick.

Recent NCTE materials in which Sibberson has played a role include:

•    Digital Reading: What’s Essential in Grades 3–8, a book coauthored with William L. Bass II
•    Conversation Currents: “Students as Writers and Composers: Workshopping in the Digital Age” (Language Arts,January 2015), an interview with Troy Hicks
•    The Ripple Effect of Award Lists, November 7, 2015, a Literacy & NCTE blog post coauthored with Stacey Ross
•    Formative Assessment That Truly Informs Instruction, a 2013 NCTE Position Statement coauthored with several other members

Sibberson will take office during the NCTE Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, in November, will become President-Elect in 2017, and will assume the presidency of the Council during the 2018 Annual Convention in Houston.


The National Council of Teachers of English is a membership association with 20,000 individual and institutional members worldwide. Now in its 105th year, NCTE is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education.

For Immediate Release:  Contact Jenna Fournel at 703.599.5749 or