NCTE Assembly Awards - National Council of Teachers of English

Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar


ATEG Future Teacher Scholarship Award

The Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar, a grammar-focused assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English, is excited to announce The ATEG Future Teacher Scholarship Award, a $250 award to be given to a pre-service K-12 teacher with a particular interest in and passion for teaching English grammar. Interested in being considered for the award?

Children’s Literature Assembly


Children’s Literature Assembly Research Award

The Children’s Literature Assembly Research Award provides grants of $1,000 for original research addressing significant questions related to the field of children’s literature. Contingent upon available funds, as many as two grants may be awarded. Projects may be carried out using any research method or approach so long as the focus of the project is related to the field of children’s literature.

Bonnie Campbell Hill National Literacy Leader Award

Through the Bonnie Campbell Hill National Literacy Award, the Children’s Literature Assembly (CLA) will honor two outstanding teacher leaders annually. The award recognizes the contributions and leadership of the late Bonnie Campbell Hill. Award recipients include classroom teachers, literacy coaches, or teacher educators dedicated to improving the teaching and learning of reading and writing in real world contexts in grades K – 8. The US$2,500 grant is intended to be used for professional development (not for materials, except professional books for a book study) in the United States. Applicants must be members of both NCTE and CLA. The award is supported by Bonnie Campbell Hill’s family and colleagues.

Children’s Literature Assembly Early Career Award

The Children’s Literature Assembly Early Career Award recognizes the work of one early career CLA member who shows extraordinary promise as a researcher and leader in the field of children’s literature. It is awarded every other year.

Early Childhood Education Assembly


Early Literacy Educator of the Year Award

The Early Childhood Assembly of the National Council for Teachers of English invites nominations for the Early Literacy Educator of the Year Awards. This award recognizes one master teacher and one teacher educator in the area of early childhood focusing on language and literacy development. The Early Childhood Assembly will select two nominees who demonstrate innovative, rich language and literacy pedagogy in 1) the early childhood classroom and 2) early childhood teacher preparation. The awards will be presented during the NCTE Annual Convention. The winners will be recognized and given a plaque, a set of professional books, and a lifetime membership to the Early Childhood Education Assembly. In addition, an interview with each Early Literacy Educator of the Year will be featured in the Early Childhood Assembly Newsletter. This award is a wonderful opportunity to recognize two creative, dedicated educators each year who are making an impact on language and literacy education in early childhood.

Dr. Dinah Volk Pre-Service Teacher Scholarship

Dr. Dinah Volk has spent her career studying issues of bilingualism, multilingual education, and home and community language and literacy practices across diverse cultural contexts. She is a firm advocate for more culturally sustaining pedagogies in Early Childhood Education. Dr. Volk draws upon her expertise in guiding pre-service teachers to learn and honor the home and community literacies of young children in her tireless efforts to improve Early Childhood Education. She brought this expertise to her role as 2014-2015 Chair of the Early Childhood Education Assembly (ECEA), dedicated to the ongoing growth of the Assembly, and promoting its role and national recognition as primary contributor to the field at large. This preservice teacher scholarship will be given to a pre-service teacher who has shown commitment to better understanding how to use the rich resources children bring to school from their homes and communities as a platform for educational achievement in schools.

The Vivian Vasquez Teacher Scholarship

Throughout her career, Dr. Vivian Vasquez has advocated for critical literacy by supporting young children in deconstructing and reconstructing texts in their everyday worlds and situating inquiry within young children’s rich repertoires of interests and practices, such as technology and popular culture. Dr. Vasquez’s advocacy for teacher research conveys her perspective of teachers as professionals uniquely positioned to investigate and change classroom practices. This scholarship is awarded to an Early Childhood teacher or teacher researcher who honors the work of Vivian Vasquez by encouraging young children to be critical inquirers and activists for social change.

The Mariana Souto-Manning Teacher Scholarship

Dr. Mariana Souto-Manning’s work in early childhood education takes a critical approach to schooling in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Through collaborative research, Dr. Souto-Manning has provided opportunities for teachers and young children alike to critically interrogate how dominant school practices position diverse learners, and how they can take action to (re)position themselves. This scholarship is awarded to an Early Childhood teacher who honors the work of Mariana Souto-Manning by exploring critical perspectives of early schooling experiences among diverse children and families.

Gender and Literacy Assembly


Rewey Belle Inglis Award

Named for Rewey Belle Inglis, the first woman president of NCTE, this award recognizes an outstanding woman in English Education. All women considered for this honor will have exhibited outstanding professional service relating to the role and image of women in the profession and in NCTE. The Inglis Award recipient will have shown excellence in scholarship/research, teaching, and service related to English language arts. The Inglis Award committee, made up of members of the Gender and Literacy Assembly (GALA, formerly WILLA), is charged with selecting the recipient of the Rewey Belle Inglis Award.

International Writing Centers Association


Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award

Named after its first recipient, the Muriel Harris Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding service that has benefited the international writing center community in significant and broad-based ways. The award is given at every other IWCA conference.

IWCA Outstanding Article Award

Members of the Writing Center community are invited to nominate articles about writing center theory, practice, research, and history for the IWCA Outstanding Article Award. The IWCA Outstanding Article Award will be presented at the IWCA Annual Conference.

IWCA Outstanding Book/Major Work Award

Members of the Writing Center community are invited to nominate books/major works for the IWCA Outstanding Book/Major Work Award. Given once a year in the past, the Outstanding Book/Major Work Award will be given once per biennium to correspond with the IWCA conference held in the fall of even years.

Research Grants

Professionals and graduate students whose research focuses on writing centers, awarded twice a year—proposals due January 1 and July 1.

Speaker Grants

Given to regional IWCA affiliates, awarded once a year upon request to the Treasurer.